Since 1987, we have fought to help victims of tractor trailer accidents, car accidents and work related injuries. 


Laird Baker & Blackstock is located in the small town of Opp in Covington County, Alabama, but the firm offers its clients over 75 years of experience between its three partners with lawyers you know and trust working on your case.  We don't have a lot of slick billboards, but we will spend the time and money on experts to fight for you.  And we never represent the insurance companies.  

Wes Laird has represented clients in over $80 million of verdicts and settlements through the years.  He is a South Alabama farm boy and trial lawyer, who both understands the value of hard work and has experience operating heavy equipment.  This experience is valuable in representing people injured in Large Truck and 18 Wheeler Accidents, heavy equipment injuries, and oil rig injuries.

Small town doesn’t mean small settlements or verdicts; it means we get to know our clients; and it means small town values of fighting to help people who need it most get a full measure of justice.
— Wesley Laird